Hello. I'm Sr Kathryn J. Hermes

I have been helping people walk the road of spiritual growth and inner healing for the past twenty years. After recovering from a stroke, I found my joy at last in sharing with others what had been given to me with others. My approach to writing, presenting, and accompaniment is grounded in the certainty that God is love and he rises as the Dawn from on High in each person’s heart. I have always been awed by people I’ve met who have absolutely taken Jesus at his Word, risked everything, as the woman who washed Jesus’ feet, because they believed Jesus would be true to what he had promised. Here at Touching the Sunrise we together dare to take Jesus at his Word.
Hello. I'm Sr Kathryn J. Hermes

You'll find these courses helpful:

  • If you have a sense that God is "on your heels," attracting your heart to something amazingly more fulfilling but need something to help you move more deeply into him.

  • If you are walking one of life's dark valleys and haven't been able to find direction and hope in other places

  • If you are in your "middle years" and feel suffocated or tired by what has been but aren't sure where to go from here

My style will help you to:

  1. Step back, ease up, and take a walk through your inner space, a walk that is gentle, casual, and tender.
  2. Touch aspects of your history, of your soul, of your heart that you may not have had access to for a long time. By just being with all this, new doors will open. And the marvelous thing is this: something new happens when we are present to God and to ourselves. We have time for something new to come about in our lives. It is all mercy. It is all grace!
  3. Pray with scripture in a way that will help you deepen your intimacy with Jesus and your trust in God. Scripture shows us that it is when we encounter the Face of God, the gaze of Jesus, that our struggle shifts. Praying with scripture is meant to help you hear Jesus’ message in a new way and with a new heart.

Darkness Precedes the Dawn

I’ve always looked at the real stuff of life, what we encounter daily or at certain times of our lives, as the darkness that just precedes the sunrise. In this life and death struggle—to put it dramatically—to find meaning in the numberless random unchosen sufferings that come our way we mature and the Son rises in our heart, the Dawn from on High who guides our feet in the way of peace.

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