From the perspective of faith and the resources that are available to us through spirituality, this Conference addresses those who are suffering from depressive illness, disillusionment, dark moods, and emotional vulnerability.
I speak from my own experience of depression and vulnerability after having experienced a stroke, as well as from sharing the journeys of many others suffering with depression in illness, divorce, chronic pain, and scruples. Many long years of emotional instability provided the sanctuary where I slowly could learn the deepest treasures of faith as this blessed gift enlighten and consoled and strengthened me. It is this gift that I seek to share with you in this Surviving Depression Conference, and the gift I believe you most want to receive.
Course curriculum
Introduction to Depression and How to Help
Depression and Aging
Depression and Transcendence
Depression and Spiritual Beauty
Introduction to Depression Conference Signs of Depression - What to do and how to help -
Adult Development and Depression Aging, Spirituality, and Depression -
Maturing in the Image of Transcendence Living Beyond the Edge -
Out of the Scars God Creates Our Beauty Depression and the Dark Night of the Soul
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